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Wall brackets

Hama TV Wall Bracket, Swivel, Tilt, Pull-out, 165 cm (65") up to 35 kg

295,90   RON
Este accesoriu pentru
Este accesoriu pentru


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Cable manager

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Includes mounting material

Totul inclus: cu accesoriile de montaj variate, inclusiv dibluri Fischer de înaltă calitate, puteți începe imediat


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Fără plastic

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  • Specificaţii Tehnice
    Design (Culoare, Patern, Motiv, Serie)
    Culoare Negru
    Nuanța culorii Negru
    Proprietati fizice
    Capacitate maximă de încărcare 35 kg
    Dimensiunea găurii atașamentului până la M8
    Funcţie suplimentară Cablemanager, Spirit level
    Tilt +/- 2 / 12 °
    Material Plăcuţă de oţel
    Maximum swivel range 180 °
    Model TV
    number of joints 2
    Proiecție maximă 27 cm
    Proiecție minimă 4,9 cm
    Rotație 3 °
    Marime & greutate
    Dimensiune exterioară - înălţime 43,4 cm
    Dimensiune exterioară - lăţime 43.1 cm
    Dimensiunile ecranului 81 cm (32"), 84 cm (33"), 86 cm (34"), 89 cm (35"), 91 cm (36"), 94 cm (37"), 97 cm (38"), 99 cm (39"), 102 cm (40"), 104 cm (41"), 107 cm (42"), 109 cm (43"), 112 cm (44"), 114 cm (45"), 117 cm (46"), 119 cm (47"), 122 cm (48"), 123 cm (49"), 127 cm (50"), 129 cm (51"), 132 cm (52"), 137 cm (54"), 140 cm (55"), 147 cm (58"), 152 cm (60"), 163 cm (64"), 165 cm (65")
    Placă de montare (lățime) 7,9 cm
    Placă de montare (lungime) 20,4 cm
    Standard VESA 200 x 200, 200 x 300, 300 x 100, 300 x 200, 300 x 300, 400 x 200, 400 x 300, 400 x 400
    VESA (de la - la) 200x200 - 400x400
    Domeniul de aplicare
    Adecvat pentru TV
    Dimensiunea maximă recomandată a ecranului 165 cm (65")
    Dimensiunea minimă recomandată a ecranului 81 cm (32")
    Dimensiune recomandată a ecranului 81 - 165 cm (32"- 65")
    Domeniu de aplicare Private
    Versiune Pivotat/Înclinabil
  • Manufacturer information
    Hama GmbH & Co KG, 86652, Monheim,
  • Garantie
    Hama GmbH & Co KG provides the following manufacturer’s warranty on the workmanship and materials used for the product 00220833 TV Wall Bracket, Swivel, Tilt, Pull-out, 165 cm (65") up to 35 kg: 10 Years Warranty
    This warranty begins on the date of purchase of this Hama product and is valid throughout the EU.
    If material or manufacturing faults that are considered to constitute a warranty claim occur during the warranty period, Hama GmbH & Co KG will resolve the fault free of charge by repairing the goods or replacing them a product that Hama GmbH & Co KG deems to be equivalent.
    The warranty we provide is in addition to the statutory rights to a warranty free of charge, for which any claim must be directed to the seller of your product.
    Likewise, any statutory rights you have to a warranty free of charge from us remain unaffected by this warranty promise.

    In the event of a warranty claim, you must send the Hama product along with proof of purchase in original form with postage and freight costs paid to the following address:

    Hama GmbH & Co KG
    Dresdner Str. 9
    86653 Monheim

    We would ask you to appreciate that Hama GmbH & Co KG may reject the
    warranty claim if the proof of purchase is not provided, because this proof is used to calculate the warranty period.

    The warranty is valid only for non-commercial users of our product.

    In the case of defects caused by force or improper use, as well as in the case of repairs or actions by the purchasing party or third parties without the prior written consent of Hama GmbH & Co KG, the warranty becomes null and void.

    Damages that are not covered by this warranty may be fixed against the cost of the repairs, either by the dealer that sold you the product or by Hama GmbH & Co KG.

    Hama GmbH & Co KG, Dresdner Str. 9, 86653 Monheim, 2022



Fișa Produsului




Ghid de inițiere rapidă


Fișă de siguranță

 In-house test and quality seal
, QC passed by Hama Germany